Knowify offers three different options for tracking employee breaks within the timetracker and smartphone application.
- Internal project
- Manual check in/out
- Time entry adjustment
Internal project
One option is to create an internal project for "breaks" so that the employees will have a place to log the time spent on breaks.
Here they can (1) check out of the job into the "breaks" internal project when they leave and (2) check in back into the job when they return. This will ensure that not only is the time spent on break not factored into the cost of the job, but also gives you a way to track and/or run reports on the time each employee has logged towards the "breaks" internal project.
Internal projects are great for tracking non-job related costs such as vacation time, sick time, and office work!
Manual check in/out
Alternatively, we can just have the user check out of the job when they leave for break and check back in when they return to the job. This will ensure their time spent on break is not factored into the cost of the job and is not added to their timecard at the end of the week.
Time entry adjustment
If employees are submitting their time manually instead of using the check in/out feature, or if you want to apply a break to multiple time entries at once, you can adjust time entries in bulk in the Review Time section of the timetracker.
Here you can select one or more time entries and choose to adjust them by subtracting time, as a way for you to manually remove time spent on break(s).
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