When managing jobs in Knowify, a contract status will automatically be assigned to a job based on which phase/step of the process the job is in. Below is some more information of what each contract job status means and how to update the status.
This is the first step in the lifecycle of a job. It is indicating that the job has been created with a client selected, but there is no draft proposal yet. The job can still have a name, comments/logs, a bid due date, a jobsite address, tags, and other aspects. It is a simple way of tracking a potential job before discussing prices with the client.
In order to move to the next stage in the contract lifecycle, you will need to create a draft contract through the Create proposal tab in the job details page.
A job is switched to bidding once you save a draft proposal. If you have at least one line item and price entered in the proposal/bid section of the job, as soon as you click on Save changes the job is switched to the bidding state.
Bidding jobs will have an opportunity value showing potential revenue if the contract is signed and made active.
Out for signature
A job is out for signature when you’ve sent via Knowify the proposal to the customer to collect digital signature, and is awaiting its signature/approval. As soon as the customer accepts the proposal, the job will be switched to active. If the customer rejects the proposal or requests a revision, the job status will update to rejected or back to bidding, respectively.
A job is active when it has a contract that was either signed via Knowify's e-signature feature, or manually made active in the contract section of the job. Once a job is active, you will be able to actively track costs for the job in the Plan & Track section, and will be able to track the revenue for the job by invoicing off of the contract.
Note that active jobs are an important factor in the price of your subscription.
Pending changes
A job shows in this status when there is one or more change orders that are either saved as a draft or sent out for signature. Jobs that are pending changes can still track costs and revenue, however the status indicates that you are awaiting a change order to switch to active (approved by the client) in order to invoice for the full job/contract.
Jobs can be closed once completely invoiced and paid, but all closed jobs are stored for future reference and reporting, and can be re-open if necessary.
Note that closing jobs might help you reduce the cost of your subscription.
A job is marked as rejected when the proposal/bid is sent out for signature and the customer rejects it. These jobs are closed automatically (you will receive notice in the form of an email), so that they no longer show up among the active projects, however you will be able to reference these at a later date and/or restore the proposal to have the option of sending it out again.
If you need to hide closed and rejected projects from the automated workflow, you can set this in the Admin section.
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