Equipment costs and hours can be tracked using Knowify. To log the equipment into the system, access the admin section:

Once there, select Equipment:
Next, enter in the equipment information. The Description details the name of the equipment, while the Role categorizes the type of equipment (which indicate its hourly cost later). Departments can be created in the Structure section of the admin section. This is helpful for organization throughout Knowify, though it is not necessary:
Upon completion, enter into the Rates section, as highlighted below. In the Resource Cost table, enter in the hourly rate. If the equipment is a day rental, simply convert it into an hourly rate, and indicate a full day’s rental when submitting time for its use:
Now that the equipment is logged into the system, it can be used for planning and time tracking. First, this example will show how equipment can be planned out. In one of the Job Phases, enable labor use. While the equipment is not technically labor, it is tracked in a similar way. In the labor section, click Add Role/Resource to begin adding the equipment. Click on the dropdown menu to select the equipment:
Notice the forklift is under the Equipment department. This is just one way creating and assigning departments is helpful, though not necessary.
Once selected, enter the number of hours needed. Since this piece of equipment will be used for the full day, 8 hours is selected. Save changes upon completion:
If planning is not necessary and equipment only requires use time, skip over to the Time Tracker section, highlighted below. Click into the Enter Time section, and select the piece of equipment. Click Add New Activity to select the job. Upon selection, a timesheet will generate, allowing for time to be entered and submitted for approval. The job will add the costs of equipment use immediately afterwards:
Equipment tracking is available in Growth and Enterprise plans only.
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