Given that every company manages overtime differently, Knowify relies on the concept of Overtime Candidate (aka OT candidate) to manage overtime.
1. Knowify flags entries as OT candidates based on your company's overtime rules. It does not automatically switch entries to overtime.
2. When an entry is marked as OT candidate, you will be able to split the entry in the Review Time section. The popup will provide info about the hours worked in the period (day or week) and the applicable rules. It will also let you distribute hours among straight, overtime, and (if daily overtime) double time. Knowify will suggest a potential split if it is obvious (for example, the employee worked 10 hours and it is overtime after 8; in that case we will suggest to set 8 hours as straight time and 2 as overtime).
3. Overtime rules can be daily or weekly:
a) Daily: For days where straight hours are above the overtime threshold, we mark entries as OT candidates. As you split hours, you will see fewer candidates because we add up all the straight hours in the day to identify candidates. If there are multiple candidates, we flag them all, regardless of the clock in/out time.
b) Weekly: For weeks where straight hours are above the overtime threshold, we mark entries as candidates starting on the date on which the threshold is exceeded. The rest is the same as daily.
We do not support both daily and weekly overtime rules at the same time, but we are planning on doing so in the near future.
4. Knowify produces reports based on the info in Review Time. Only entries marked as overtime will be reported as overtime.
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