1. Go into Time Tracker and then click into the Review Time tab. Once in there, select the time entries you would like to edit by clicking the check boxes to the left of the entry. You can select them all by clicking the check box in the top left.
2. Then, click the More Actions to pull the dropdown menu up. In the dropdown menu, click Adjust Selected.
3. The next screen that comes up gives you three options.
A) Set Time - this allows you to set the time of all the entries to the amount of hours put in.
B) Add/Subtract - this allows you to add or subtract time to a time entry (ie: add 1 hour for travel, subtract 30 minutes for lunch break).
C) Undo Rounding - this sets time entries exactly equal to clock in and clock out time, down to the minute so that there is no rounding up/down to the closest 5 minute mark of the hour, which is the default.
4. Once complete, click Perform Adjustment, and all entries selected will be adjusted.
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