If you get the following error when attempting to sync an invoice from Knowify to QuickBooks:
QuickBooks response: CustomerRef is missing in the transaction.
it is telling you that the customer in Knowify is not successfully synced with QuickBooks. Customer sync errors are most commonly caused by the following:
- Customer was added in Knowify before connecting to QuickBooks in live mode, or while the connection was expired
- There is a vendor or employee with the same name already in QuickBooks
- Customer was added in QuickBooks first and not pulled into Knowify
You can fix any of these errors using the following methods:
1. Customer was added in Knowify before connecting to QuickBooks in live mode, or while the connection was expired
To fix this error, the customer simply needs to be pushed to QuickBooks. To do this, locate the customer in your Manage Clients page and click edit:
Then simply click Save Changes (no changes actually need to be made):
And this should show that you've successfully synced the client with QuickBooks:
Once the client is synced, simply click Retry next to the transaction with the error to sync it:
2. There is a vendor or employee with the same name already in QuickBooks
QuickBooks will not allow customers to sync from Knowify if they have the same name as an existing vendor or Knowify in your QBO account. The best way to fix this is to edit the name of the client so it is different from that of the vendor, (you can try writing "Client" after the name) so it can sync with QuickBooks. Once this is synced, you can click the Retry button as shown above to sync the invoice.
3. Customer was added in QuickBooks first and not pulled into Knowify
If this is the case, method #2 will work, but you will end up with duplicate clients. If you would like this to be fixed so there is no duplicate, it is best to reach out to support@knowify.com for help pairing up the client in Knowify with the corresponding one in QuickBooks.
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