If you’re using Knowify to email documents to your clients and vendors, you may often customize the text that is sent out in the email message itself. This text can be set to a default setting so you don’t need to continuously make the same changes.
To start this process, go to the Admin Section under Customize. This will show you a tab labeled “Defaults” at the top of the screen:
The tabs below will let you customize what the default email text is on messages sent for Invoices, eSignatures (for both contracts and change orders), Purchase Orders, and Service Tickets. (The last field is for default terms and conditions in contracts.
To adjust this information, click the email category in question to pull up the edit box for the subject and message contents:
The tags on the right will allow you to fill in job specific data that may vary on each email sent. This will automatically fill in the next time you are creating an email in this category:
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